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Spirit of 76 | Website



Website & Enterprise Application Development

Clearpage designed, developed, and implemented strategic technology initiatives which serve to promote the company's brand, boost labor productivity, and generate leads to the sales team. These initiatives serve as the backbone for interdepartmental collaboration and communication.

  1. Desktop and Mobile Sites
  2. Purpose built CRM, CMS, & WMS
  3. Automated Document Generation

Graphic Design PHP HTML CSS SQL Database Mobile CMS CRM SEO Photography Video Production



Clearpage leveraged the core functionality of our Stratus platform to create an application for Spirit to manage sales, customer service, purchasing, inventory, shipping, and fulfillment. Spark makes information instantly accessible across the organization, eliminating duplicate data entry and subsequent errors and cost.


Customer and sales data has been replaced with placeholder data.

Website Design & Development

Spirit of 76 Fireworks App
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Web Developer
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Website
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Site
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Site
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Site
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Site

Responsive Website Design

Spirit of 76 Fireworks App
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Web Developer
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Website
Spirit of 76 Fireworks Site